Oct 25, 2009

Causes and Symptoms of Bruxism?

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Bruxism?

Bruxism is a term used to describe the constant grinding or clenching of the teeth. This is a very common condition amongst children and adults, in the US it has been estimated that about 50% of all the adults have or have had the tendency of grinding their teeth, out of that percentage about 20% grind your teeth in a constructive way, meaning that the Enamel which is the outermost layer of the teeth gets compromised by the constant friction and pressure.
The describe some of the symptoms that can be used in order to determine whether or not you suffer from this condition.
-- Increased tooth sensitivity is known to be one of the symptoms that constant grinding cause
-- Because of the constant friction some people report to have chewed tissue on the inside of their cheeks; this tissue trauma may lead to oral infections.
-- Irritating sound. Married adults have reported that their partners constant clenching of the teeth has gotten so loud that it disrupts their night sleep.
-- Earache may also be a symptom due to the constant jaw muscle contraction; this pain doesn't necessarily indicate that there is something wrong inside the ear of a person who suffers from this condition.
-- Worn tooth enamel, this is actually one of the most common symptoms caused by tooth grinding amongst the 20% of people who grind their teeth so hard that they change the shape and condition of their oral structure.
Possible Causes of Bruxism in adults:
-- People who have an aggressive or hyperactive personality may be vulnerable to bruxism.
-- High levels of anxiety, tension or stress can also lead to this condition.
-- Anger and/or frustration
Possible causes of bruxism and children:
When it comes to children this condition is mainly attributed to the growth of their oral structure and jawbone, some researchers have observed that some of the children who grind their teeth to it because their top and bottom teeth don't actually fit comfortably as they are coming out, in other cases they do so because of they may be teething or feel anxiety or anger.
Even though only 20% of the people who grind their teeth do it in a constructive way it is always recommended that you pay a visit to the dentist as often as possible if you suspect you may suffer from this condition. Treating bruxism at an early stage can help you avoid serious tooth decay and damage.
Cosmeticdentistryguide.co.uk offers more information to treat teeth grinding as well as baby teething, visit our website to get more tips!