Braces are normally seen in children and teenagers because throughout their early years orthodontic complications can be prevented by the use of these devices, in the United States alone 30% of the people who wear braces are actually adults, this means that the orthodontic benefits can still be received even if braces were neglected throughout infant years.
As time went by technology has changed everything so yesterday braces are no longer the best because clear and invisible ones have been developed in order to be less awkward and provide better results as they are aided and designed to high-tech computer imaging which is mostly based on CAT software data.
The way that braces are regarded in third world countries can be amusing to some people, while they are generally seen as a symbol of youth and inexperience, in these countries they are seen as a symbol of wealth so next to obesity having braces is actually a good thing. In Thailand (2006) the media reported that authorities started to punish people who sold fake braces for youngsters who consider them to be part of a fashion statement, the fines were as high as $1300.
In proxy countries such as the Philippines the same fashion trend has been experienced mostly due to the fact that people in this country consider braces to be an indicator of wealth so not only do youngsters were caught wearing these fake braces but adults and even elderly people were caught doing the very same thing.
The truth of the matter is that for some people braces are expensive and often require a long commitment (which is a case of third world countries) but in more developed ones they are still used because of their orthodontic benefit.