Oct 30, 2009

Dental Health and Healthy Babies

General hygienists know the value of good oral health which is why they encourage women to visit the dentist before they become pregnant. Likewise, it is highly recommended to encourage and keep good oral health in women who are thinking about having a baby. Dental problems are common during pregnancy and it has been estimated that over 75% of all women suffer from gingivitis and/or gum infections, the worst part about this type of diseases is that they are virtually painless so a pregnant woman may not be fully aware about the fact that their dental condition may be hurting their baby.
Complementary studies have shown that women with gum disease have a higher incidence of preterm low weight babies, obviously the better shape your mouth is thin before a woman becomes pregnant and less chances she will have a having a severe gingivitis which may affect the overall health of the baby.
Today's dentists are trained to look at the big picture as the mouth can show telltale signs of eating disorders, bone problems, diabetes and cancer, plus some research have linked gum disease to stroke, heart disease, pneumonia and more. There are so many links that have recently been discovered that it is imperative for the dentist considered not only oral health at one's overall health.
While a visit to the dentist is no substitute for a general checkup many diseases and conditions can be discovered and treated at an early stage because of the results shown after an oral exam. The mouth is said to be a mirror image of what it's really going on with the rest of the body so keeping a healthy mouth goes hand-in-hand with a healthy body and also with the ability of women to give birth to healthy babies.
Previous studies have shown that bacteria which is found in a person's mouth is able to interact with other organs after being transported by the bloodstream which is why constant bleating of the mouth should be treated at an early stage in order to prevent heart conditions, stroke and the many other diseases we have previously mentioned. Taken in consideration of this last statement will create a better understanding of the reason why having good oral health will dramatically increase the chances of women to deliver healthy babies.
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